Because water boils at a lower temperature at higher elevations, any food cooked in it receives less heat than it would at sea level. To compensate, you need to cook boiled foods longer, and because the water boils away faster, increase the amount of water, as well. Water boils at 203°F (95°C) at 5,000 feet. Any type of rice will cook fine at higher elevations as long as cooking time and liquid amounts are adequate.

Expect rice to take about 5 minutes longer to cook where you are and increase the amount of water by a few tablespoons. For example, a cup of long-grain white rice is usually prepared with 1-3/4 cups of water and cooked for 15 to 18 minutes at sea level. At 5,000 feet, you’ll want to increase the water to 2 cups and cooking time to about 20 minutes. If, after 20 minutes, you find water lingering at the bottom of the pan, replace the lid and cook for another 2 to 3 minutes. On the other hand, if you find the rice has absorbed all the water and is still too al dente, or not quite done, add a few tablespoons of water, replace the lid and cook for 2 to 3 more minutes.