Jul 22, 2019

Corn Dogs



In a large bowl combine the milk, eggs, oil, sugar, and salt. Mix very well. Add the baking powder, corn meal, and flour. Stir to make a slightly thick batter.

Dry hot dogs on paper towels and carefully insert a stick in one end of each. Dust the hot dogs with flour, coating them completely. Set aside.

Heat the cooking oil to 375°F (190°C).

Swirl the hot dogs one by one in the bowl of batter until they are coated, and then drop them into the hot fat. An easier method it to scoop some batter into a narrow jar or cup that is as tall as the hot dogs are long. Fill the jar or cup about 3/4 full. Dip a your hot dog into the batter while holding the stick. Turn the hot dog to coat evenly. Allow excess batter to drip off. Quickly place the battered dog into the hot fat.

Only fry a few corn dogs at a time; if they are crowded, they won't fry well. Turn each corn dog when the bottom side is well browned. Use tongs to remove the cooked corn dogs from the fat and drain on paper towels.

Written by Top-Best.com