Let us get this straight – you want a ham that is not sweet? What about the brown sugar? What about the pineapple glaze? You are so out of the mainstream.

In searching though a huge collection of ham recipes on your behalf, the sweet glazes were running at least 20-to-1 over savory ones. Even those that had lots of mustard included quantities of honey, brown sugar, or maple syrup.

The easiest solution, of course, is not to glaze the ham at all. A baked, unglazed ham is a perfectly good thing. If you're worried about the ham drying out, you can cover the pan tightly with foil or bake it in a roasting bag. But the glaze really is added for flavor, not moisture.

If you must put something on the ham, how about mixing 2 teaspoons of mustard with 4 teaspoons of paprika and 3/4 cup of very fine dry bread crumbs? Add enough fat from the roasting pan to make a smooth paste. Spread this over the top of the ham in the last half hour of cooking and return it to the oven until the crumbs and seasonings are crisp and hot.